Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Too Much of a Good Thing

When Eric and I visited San Antonio from New York we always came back about 5 pounds heavier. My family loves to eat - in fact, we're known to plan our next meal while eating the previous one. Sometimes, we plan our meals days in advance. And, San Antonio is known for amazing Mexican food, barbecue, and Southern delicacies like chicken fried steak, or chicken fried anything. So, when we were here on vacation, we ate at all the best restaurants, and my mom cooked all of my favorite foods - hence the 5 pound minimum weight gain.

We thought things would be different once we lived here. We thought we would get over the novelty of good Mexican food and barbecue, but we haven't - not yet anyway. Since we're living with my dad, he loves to take us out to eat, and I can't pick the 'sensible' meals when enchiladas or chicken fried steak is on the menu. So, I've been eating what I want, and so has Eric. We've also rediscovered the incredibleness of Blue Bell ice cream. Every flavor is amazing and I can't seem to say no to a little dessert every night.

I guess I'm writing this blog to confess that I've been overeating and that I hope to get better. "Willpower, it's now or never."


At 11:34 PM, Blogger Jay said...

I can tell you a thing or two about losing your willpower. I'm as big as a house right now and can't seem to stop eating so much!

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Little Light said...

That's okay, no one requires you to be skinny in Texas anyway.

So, I was passing through Riverdale yesterday and almost told my friends "I have friends who live around here" but then I realized that I don't. Harumph!

At 1:25 PM, Blogger OperaBarbie said...

It may sound crazy, but this last diet and exercise program I just "finished" was great. It's a low-glycemic index diet, and after a while, I actually quit missing the sugar and started to love whole-grain bread. Very weird. However, unless the people you eat with do it, too, it would be pretty tough to start. I'll send you some very quick, easy, and yummy recipes.


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