Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Bravo Ann Curry

Precious little has been said about the genocide that has been taking place for years in the region of Darfur, Sudan. I, for one, stumbled upon hearing about it quite by accident nearly one year ago. Once I found out some details about how many people have died and have been displaced, I immediately wondered why this was not at the forefront of our news broadcasts, and why so many powerful governments seem to be letting the violence continue unchecked.

I still don't have an answer to the latter part, but at least we're starting to hear about Darfur in the news. Yesterday, Ann Curry delivered a special report within the first 30 minutes of the Today Show (and later on the evening news) about the genocide in Darfur and how it is now spreading to the bordering country of Chad. I thought to myself "finally we're hearing about this in a prominent way". Katie Couric even thanked Ann Curry for relentlessly pursuing this story even when their network discouraged her from covering it.

So, that's way I say bravo to Ann Curry.



At 1:06 PM, Blogger Jay said...

Wow. Good entry. I briefly saw a report yesterday (maybe the same one) where the woman said they poured boiling water on babies. This morning the Today Show talked about the political use of rape in the Sudan. Men won't go out because they'll get killed. Women will go out because they'll only get raped. (Imagine!) But rape carries a terrible lifelong social stigma that never goes away for their women. So it's used as a political tool to shut them up and keep them under control. Awful.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Little Light said...

ER is making it a story-line too which is good.

At 1:46 PM, Blogger OperaBarbie said...

I saw both segments, as well, and I agree -- it's definitely time for this issue to be addressed on an international scale. Especially the political use of rape! Why isn't anyone talking about this and why are western women so silent about this horror?


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