Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Are You Having a Good Time In There?

I've been wondering lately what my little girl likes to do in the womb. I often feel her moving around, but I'm not sure why she's moving. Is she uncomfortable? Did she hear something that scared her or peaked her interest? Does she aspire to be a gymnast? I just don't know.

I also wonder if she's bored in there or if the sounds of my digestive system and the beating of my heart keep her sufficiently entertained. Eric and I talk to her sometimes - maybe she finds us amusing. I certainly do my fair share of singing - does she like it? Hopefully, she'll find our voices familiar when she enters our world.

Wouldn't it be cool if we could remember what it was like to be in the womb? But, maybe it's better that we don't remember. Maybe we were completely bored and didn't know it.


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