Positive Thinking
I'm trying my hardest to be positive about these last few weeks of pregnancy. In fact, I had intended to write a post about all the great things about being pregnant, but right now, I'm just a little annoyed about some things.
First of all, as I type, I'm loosing feeling in my right hand. This is because many women develop carpal tunnel syndrome in the last few weeks of pregnancy due to fluid retention. Enough with the fluid retention already! When I wake up in the morning, it takes nearly an hour for the feeling in my right hand to return, and I have to compensate by using my left hand to open the toothpaste, feed the cats, pour a glass of orange juice, and so on.
My latest complaint is an itchy belly. I guess my stomach has stretched out so much that it itches ... like crazy. I think I may go crazy trying to not scratch it!!!
Enough complaining. Now on to the positive things.
Baby Vila has now 'dropped', although it was so gradual I didn't really notice it was happening. The doctor said this is a good sign because she definitely will 'fit' through my pelvis (hooray for that, right?). I think he was just trying to be funny, but it's still reassuring.
I love the dramatic movements our little girl makes at night. Sometimes it like my entire belly is lopsided because she's decided to move more to one side. It's really cool to watch my stomach in motion, knowing that our little girl is causing it. I love rubbing my belly just to get her started.
A little positive to go along with the negative is always a good thing.
scratch away! hee
I must admit that I gave in and scratched my belly yesterday. While it feels good at the time, it just makes things worse in the long run.
I did try some Caladryl lotion and that is helping. Hopefully it will go away all together in the next week. If not, I can make it like this until her birth.
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