Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Final Countdown

Only five days until my due date. That means ... absolutely nothing really, but I have to have something to focus on. So, Saturday it is. If she decides to come late, as most first babies do, then I'll have even longer to wait. Since I'm no longer working, I have much more time on my hands, which is good, and bad. It's good because I may not have this kind of alone time for many years, and I've always loved my alone time. It's bad because I have a hard time thinking about anything other than the delivery of this baby.

For the past two nights, I've had semi-regular contractions that really got me and Eric excited, but then they just stopped. I wonder if every night is going to be like this until the real thing. Part of me wonders how I will know the real thing, but I guess it will be pretty obvious. The pain factor will likely kick in and I'll just know. That's what I'm counting on anyway.

So, I'm spending my days working on little projects - mainly cleaning and organizing projects. They say the nesting instinct gets very strong in the days leading up to delivery, and I'm certainly living up to that. I still could use some ideas for how to spend my days, so if you have any ideas, please pass it along. There's only so much cleaning and organizing that can be done in a one bedroom apartment.


At 1:54 PM, Blogger Little Light said...

Maybe I'll come over on Saturday if you haven't delivered.


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