This past Saturday night Eric and I went out on a date. We saw "Casino Royale", which is the first movie we've seen together on our own since way before Charlotte was born. I let Eric pick this one because the next time we go to a movie, I hope it will be to see "Dreamgirls", which will definitely be my pick, not his.
Anyway, we left Charlotte with my dad and went off to the neighborhood theatre only 5 minutes away. My dad actually gave us money for the tickets and we joked that he is the only babysitter we'll ever have who will pay US to babysit Charlotte. Anyway, Eric and I both enjoyed the movie, but I was constantly checking my phone for missed calls (even though it was on vibrate) from my dad about Charlotte. No calls came so I thought all was fine.
When we left the theatre, I called my dad to check in. He said he had been rocking Charlotte for over 2 hours because she cried and cried after we left, but that now she was asleep. I jumped to the conclusion that she had been in her mechanical swing for over 2 hours and got upset at my dad for leaving her there that long. I asked him why he didn't put her to bed once she fell asleep and he said he was afraid that she'd wake up again and start crying.
It was a long 5 minute trip home. I felt bad that Charlotte cried herself to sleep while we were at the movies. Once we got home, my dad had successfully transferred Charlotte to her crib without incident. He told me that he enjoyed rocking her for over 2 hours and I was confused. Wasn't she in the mechanical swing? How could you enjoy that? It turns out that I had misunderstood him. She wasn't rocked in the swing, she was rocked in the glider - in my dad's arms for over 2 hours. Now that's a completely different story. I immediately apologized to my dad for getting upset with him for not putting Charlotte to sleep in her crib.
I hope I didn't alienate the only babysitter that pays. I apologized again and again, and yet I still feel guilty for getting upset with him. He did us a tremendous favor and the first thing I did was criticize his care taking method. I over reacted and misunderstood the situation. I know my dad has forgiven me, but I thought I'd apologize yet again. It couldn't hurt. Sorry Dad.